Featured Questions
Do you need to use a harness whilst working in SAE?
A full body harness and appropriate lanyard would be part of standard PPE for most installations.
Can one person work alone in a two person cradle?
Our recommendation
SAEMA recommend that there should be two people in the cradle and one person assisting from the roof or at ground level.
Do you need a ground or roof marshall whilst using SAE?
It depends
This depends on site conditions and needs to be considered as part of the risk assessment which should include emergency descent operations.
Yes – a full body harness and appropriate lanyard would be part of standard PPE for most installations.
All operatives should be fully trained in accordance with BS 6037, unless they are being trained.
This depends on site conditions and needs to be considered as part of the risk assessment which should include emergency descent operations.
It should be maintained and inspected in line with the requirements of BS6037-1 as below:
a) pre-use checks carried out by the operator before commencing work each day or each shift;
b) inspections and maintenance, generally carried out at three-monthly intervals, with a more extensive inspection carried out generally at six-monthly intervals;
c) load testing carried out annually;
d) LOLER thorough examinations generally carried out at six-monthly intervals. The inspection reports should be maintained in a log on site. It is very common for systems to have a ‘Scafftag’ or similar system in place to help record details of service and testing dates etc but these would be a guide only and would not replace the relevant paperwork.
Yes according to BS6037-1 the equipment should be load tested annually. This is generally a test of the equipment in all positions at the rated load
BS6037-1 requires that quite a lot of information is kept available for the equipment. Best practice would be for a specific log book to be kept so that all the information is readily available in the same place
No, this information would be in the O&M Manual and the rescue plan, available to trained operatives and kept in a safe area on-site. Only trained operatives should attempt to carry out the emergency procedures.
Under Regulation 13 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and also under Regulation 4 of the same Regulations, there is a statutory requirement for all who operate equipment to hold current training certification, and then for refresher training to be carried out to ensure the continued safety and competency of all individuals. For suspended access equipment, refresher training is generally carried out on an annual basis where systems are complex or where there have been changes to the site team. Less complex systems may require less frequent training. See BS 6037-1 for further guidance.
LOLER (1998) requires the Competent Person to determe what tests should be carried out and when. SAFED have produced LG3 to guide the Competent Person on what testing may be required for suspended access systems and at what frequency.