With COP26 currently taking place in Glasgow, the world’s attention is turned towards how we can all help to combat climate change. SAEMA is pleased to share the following nine priorities from the Construction Leadership Council (CLC), which builds on the government’s commitments to set out how construction can meet the net zero challenge.
- Accelerating the shift of the construction workforce to zero emission vehiclesand onsite plant
- Optimise the use of Modern Methods of Constructionand improved onsite logistics, in doing so reducing waste and transport to sites
- Championing developmentsand infrastructureinvestments that both enable connectivity with low carbon modes of transport and design to incorporate readiness for zero emission vehicles
- Work with Government to deliver retrofittingto improve energy efficiency of the existing housing stock
- Scale up industry capability to deliver low carbon heat solutions in buildings, supporting heat pump deployment, trials of hydrogen heating systems and heat networks
- Enhancing the energy performance of new and existing buildingsthrough higher operational energy efficiency standards and better building energy performance
Construction activity
- Implementing carbon measurement, to support our construction projects in making quantifiable decisions to remove carbon
- Become world leaders in designing out carbon, developing the capability of our designers and construction professionals to design in line with circular economy shifting commercial models to reward measurable carbon reductions
- Support development of innovative low carbon materialsas well as advancing low carbon solutions for manufacturing production processes and distribution
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